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Chipotle's Sizzling Secret: How a New Grill Could Revolutionize Your Burrito Run


April 27, 2023


  • Grill upgrade promises quicker lines, cooking times cut from 12-13 minutes to 2-3 minutes.
  • Enhanced customer experience with consistent cooking across all 3,000 locations.
  • Improved item availability means less disappointment for those charred chicken cravings.

So, Chipotle is done playing games when it comes to speeding up their service, huh?

According to Bernstein analyst Danilo Gargiulo, this snazzy new grill might just be the secret sauce for Chipotle. It's got three big advantages:

Faster lines, because cooking times get slashed from a yawning 12-13 minutes to a zippy 2-3 minutes, making staffing the grill way less complicated.

An upgraded customer experience, since consistent cooking is a biggie when you're whipping up fresh food at over 3,000 locations.

No more "sold out" signs: with such rapid preparation, customers are more likely to stick around if their fave charred chicken is out of stock for a hot minute.

And it's not like Chipotle's already struggling. In fact, their first-quarter same-store sales shot up 10.9%, smashing the 8.5% increase that was expected. CFO Jack Hartung says customers didn't even bat an eye at higher prices for burritos and bowls.

Bank of America analyst Sara Senatore thinks Chipotle's in a great spot. She points out that they've managed to keep up their growth, even with limited-time menu items and innovation. Veggie fajitas are now a mainstay, and the global chicken al pastor limited-time offering is outpacing all previous protein promos. So, yeah, bring on those new grills!

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