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Trump's Dire Forecast: The Yuan's Ascent Threatens the Dollar's Global Reign


May 21, 2023


  • Former President Donald Trump acknowledges the global power struggle to dethrone the U.S. dollar as the leading global reserve currency.
  • Trump warns of a serious defeat for the U.S., fearing relegation to a secondary world power status, as China, Russia, and others seek to dilute dollar dominance.
  • In light of recent economic developments, countries like India have started to introduce alternative currency options for international settlements.

In an unprecedented statement, former U.S. President Donald Trump has publicly addressed the burgeoning effort by China to usurp the position of the dollar as the principal global reserve currency. The statement, issued via Trump's Truth Social platform, suggests that should this shift occur, it would herald the most significant defeat for the United States in the past two centuries.

Trump's candid recognition of the relentless campaign conducted by China, Russia, and Saudi Arabia, among others, is aimed at diluting the dominance of the dollar in international markets. His acknowledgement of this power play in global finance was unequivocal, as he painted a sobering picture of the potential implications for the U.S. economy.

"There's a palpable push by China to oust the U.S. dollar from its reigning position as the world's primary currency. If we let this happen, and it seems plausible under the current leadership, this will be the gravest setback our nation has ever faced in its history," Trump warned.

Moreover, he noted that this shift could relegate the United States to a secondary status on the global stage – a concept unimaginable just a few short years ago. This provocative statement comes on the heels of his outspoken criticism of President Biden's economic policies during a recent speech at Mar-a-Lago.

Not one to mince words, Trump expressed his growing concern about the potential collapse of the U.S. dollar. "Our currency is spiraling downward, and soon it may no longer be the global standard, marking an unparalleled defeat for our country. This would effectively dethrone us as a major world power."

Trump's comments are underpinned by a number of key developments. These include China's vigorous campaign to position the Chinese yuan as an international settlement currency and the efforts of countries like Russia and India to promote the use of national currencies for similar purposes. India, in fact, recently introduced an option for settling international payments in Indian Rupees to alleviate the burden on countries struggling with a dollar shortage.

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